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Senior Member
North New Jersey
Has anyone had any luck with mailings to potential customers. My wife was a Marketing major before a nurse and she thinks it would be a good idea to start a mailing campain to boost new customers. A typed cover page of sort of a mission statemant, a card, and maybe a price list.
I would have two seperate mailing list of new home sales and one for management companies.
shoot me straight fellas is this a big waste of time? were talking like 500 mailings.
Most of the other advertising attempts seem to be in vain. Internet only seems to bring people trying to sell me something and the local paper has been a dud as of now.
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I mail out 3000 direct mail pieces a month at a cost of a little over $1000. When the economy is good, I get a 4% response. Over the last 3 months I have not received a single response. At least in my neck of the woods, we are well into an economic recession. YMMV.
I have some foggy recollection of direct mailing potential customers as being "illegal" here in NJ.....this goes back some 15 years to when I got my license, so the law may have changed since then :-?....but you have to wonder ~ if it IS "legal" why haven't you recieved any mailers from the competition?

Occasionally, you'll maybe get something for windows or siding, but I have never recieved anything from any of the licensed trades here.

Years ago, I did a flyer campaign that worked pretty well...basically, I put my flyers on/in every door at every new condo/t'house and SFH development...easy work in those new places :smile: ...lots of recessed and dimmer jobs, basement jobs and NO wood lathe/plaster :mad:

I don't know if that's (flyers in/on doors) is even legal anymore...most of the developments have "No Solicitation" language nauiled to a tree someplace near the front gate...or a guard in a shack.
I feel like I made a big mistake of not taking a commercial project. A small bar/grill and 3 commercial store fronts in one building. It would have keept me busy but the owner was being extremly cheep, and really gave me a bad feeling. I almost feel like its better to take a job to keep busy than to stay home.
I just turned down a carwash...Im sure you had a good reason to turn your project down. I didnt have the manpower to do mine.
Sometimes you have to go with your gut....I've walked from many a job when it just didn't feel right.
I've got on in Bloomfeild/Belleville that has my spidey sense all a-tingle....we'll see how soon the people annoy me right off the job...the PITA factor is going to high, I can assure you of that.
I will check on that though. I have been approched by advertisers to advertise in their mailers so what is the differance here.Pay this guy 900 a month to send out a small pamphlet or do it myself. What is the worse that could happen?
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tonyou812 said:
I will check on that though. I have been approched by advertisers to advertise in their mailers so what is the differance here.Pay this guy 900 a month to send out a small pamphlet or do it myself.
I don't know what the deal is with the space-pac or coupon pac or whatever it's called ...LOL.

I searched the regs super quick and didn't find the terms "mail" or "solicit" in this context....but I do remember it from back then.

What's the worst?
I guess they fine you for mail fraud :D
I found my dentist through a flyer. Nice glossy professional looking thing that was mailed to me. I needed a dentist and they were close. Had this pic of a nice new dentist office building. Figured why not.

I wouldn't put prices on your flyer if you send one out. For some reason I think it's a bad idea. Take it that your listed in the yellow pages already?
celtic said:
I have some foggy recollection of direct mailing potential customers as being "illegal" here in NJ.....this goes back some 15 years to when I got my license, so the law may have changed since then :-?....but you have to wonder ~ if it IS "legal" why haven't you recieved any mailers from the competition?

Occasionally, you'll maybe get something for windows or siding, but I have never recieved anything from any of the licensed trades here.

Years ago, I did a flyer campaign that worked pretty well...basically, I put my flyers on/in every door at every new condo/t'house and SFH development...easy work in those new places :smile: ...lots of recessed and dimmer jobs, basement jobs and NO wood lathe/plaster :mad:

I don't know if that's (flyers in/on doors) is even legal anymore...most of the developments have "No Solicitation" language nauiled to a tree someplace near the front gate...or a guard in a shack.

i believe you are getting old and forgetful...

there is nothing wrong with sending direct mail to's perfectly legal, and I get post cards from HVAC guys all the time...not so much from plumbers or ec's, but here is my theory why...most plumbers that are more than a 1-2 man shop advertise big in the YP, simply because when someone needs a plumber, where do they look? their mailbox?, for EC's, i think it's just because it's something we don't understand, so it must be bad...

ironically, your little flyer campaign MAY be illegal...depends on the town. Many towns in NJ require you to purchase a Peddlers Permit in order to hang door hangers, hand out flyers door to door, etc...

Tony, do not send letters...your response rate will be nil...if you do send letters, there are tricks to use to get the envelopes opened and not just tossed into the garbage...if your wife doesn't know them, shoot me a PM...

best bet is a will be cheaper to mail and will increase your response rate...but if you can get a 1.5% response, you'll be doing well...
your not that "old electrical contractor" that works out of his 30 year old house and the guy responsible for our trade's low labor rate? e-mailer didn't mention your looks in previous posts!

advertising during bad times isn't gonna help. that type of marketing is for people who are presently planning remodels and expansions to their homes or business. most people today are not spending money knowing what the economy is very poor. the licensed and insured, legit contractor's best advertisement is during good times and is is keeping your customer base happy. remember don't take jobs just to be busy -- if you stay home and leave your truck in the driveway---you break even!!! don't panic -- concentrate on all the things you've been putting off in the past that doesn't cost a lot of money to do. i had some twenty five year customers that i could call and they would find work for my men -- and a lot of it wasn't electrical but it keep them in money. the reason they worked with us because they wanted us there when they needed us!!! we have a ways to go before the economy is gonna turn so just stop spending money and ride it out.......
I Know it probablly wont help to much but even a few calls would be good. Im not in the Y pages yet only local paper, and I feel like I need to get my name out there.
charlie tuna said:

advertising during bad times isn't gonna help. that type of marketing is for people who are presently planning remodels and expansions to their homes or business. most people today are not spending money knowing what the economy is very poor. .......

Advertising during bad times is better than sitting on your butt with $$ flying out the window. When times are good... advertise, when times are bad...advertise more. Yes, you need to market to your exisiting customers, but you also need new customers. If everyone other contractor is guarding their reserves, you can make deals with publications for ad space, and you might be the only EC in the publication. And as emaler said, there are specific tactics to use to get a letter opened as opposed to thrown away as junk mail. Take him up on his offer for information. If you decide to use postcards, don't be dissapointed if you don't get an immediate response, it may take months to realize a signficant return (much less than 1% response rate). Before you make the jump and do this, you must create an advertising plan and budget. You can also pm me if you need more info.

Thanks for all the responses guys. I know alot of you well established guys see this as a waste of time but for a small guy like me I need to a least try to precipitate something. Sitting on my butt is not for me.
charlie tuna said:
your not that "old electrical contractor" that works out of his 30 year old house and the guy responsible for our trade's low labor rate? e-mailer didn't mention your looks in previous posts!
What can I say?
I'm bringing sexy back :grin:
Some folks are so befuddled by my Fabio-like appearance they forget why they called me in the first place.
I charge extra for "star appeal" :cool:
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A little off topic but I'm constantly looking at ways to advertise at a reasonable price. From what I've seen the mailings are hit and miss at best. You may mail one to the right person and land a mega mall who knows.

I'm thinking about joining the chamber of commerce here. They organize and operate some united way fund raisers and activities. I know of several individuals who have volunteered for these activities gotten they're name out and networked and done very well for themselves. A lot of the people at these functions are lawyers, community leaders, and professionals. I think it could be a good thing. I know its not for everyone.

Where I'm at there are at least 3 large EC that advertise on TV regularly. I see one ad every morning as I eat breakfast. I wish I had that much advertising money.
chili tina.....god bless, you were successful....but your advice is 180 degrees from being correct for Tony....romexking is spot on....if tony did commercial maintenance, you'd be steering him the right way...
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