Mass code rumor.....

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electricmanscott said:
I'm hearing that the Commomwealth of Mass may be delaying the enforcement of the 2008 NEC AFCI requirements. Anybody else hearing this?

I live in a Mass. border state so I can't say this will affect me directly.

But I can only hope this rumor turns out to be true, and other New England states will take notice and follow suit. (wishful thinking!)
I hope it spreads like a cancer across the country - goose-stepping small minded men in brown shirts coming to remove all AFCI's and burn them in the village square.

Sorry too much coffee today.
electricmanscott said:
I'm hearing that the Commomwealth of Mass may be delaying the enforcement of the 2008 NEC AFCI requirements. Anybody else hearing this?

Not according the the last inspector's meeting for our association. We got a preliminary version of the amendments, too. Not official until signed by AG. PM me or email me and I can get you a copy. I didn't make it but my father did. (Also an inspector) And MA has not amended any of the major changes based on my cursory overview.
bill j said:
I have heard that Kitsap County, WA is looking at skipping the 2008 code all together.
In Wisconsin we are not required to follow the 05 NEC as regards to AFCI's. I believe we will probably not adapt the 08 rules on AFCI's either. IMHO they went from dumb to rediculous.Instead of costing a hundred dollars or so to put breakers in a panel you are looking at over a thousand dollars. Yes I know I'll hear about how much is a life worth blah blah blah, but in a properly wired house the risk is minimal, and life itself is not without risks!! None of us are getting out of here alive!!
I have heard that the State of Idaho is amending their adoption of the 2008 code to exclude the new AFCI requirements.
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