Could someone translate what this admendment says
"404.2(C). Designate the exception as "Exception No. 1" and insert an additional exception as follows:
Exception No. 2: Where multiple switch locations control the same lighting load in an interior room or space, a grounded conductor of the lighting circuit shall not be required at each such location if one has been provided at one or more switching points that is (are) visible from most areas within the room including all principal entry points. Where a switch controls a receptacle load or lighting load that does not serve a habitable room or bathroom, or where automatic control of lighting has been provided or the switch is not within the lit area, a grounded circuit conductor shall not be required."
"404.2(C). Designate the exception as "Exception No. 1" and insert an additional exception as follows:
Exception No. 2: Where multiple switch locations control the same lighting load in an interior room or space, a grounded conductor of the lighting circuit shall not be required at each such location if one has been provided at one or more switching points that is (are) visible from most areas within the room including all principal entry points. Where a switch controls a receptacle load or lighting load that does not serve a habitable room or bathroom, or where automatic control of lighting has been provided or the switch is not within the lit area, a grounded circuit conductor shall not be required."