Masters Test Questions

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New User
Hello everyone. I'm not sure if this is the correct thread but i have some questions regarding some questions i had on my masters test
that i slightly remember.
On one question it was asking for range demand load and how it would balance on 3 phase or something similar.
Would i just solve like a regularly do and then the final demand multiply by 1.732?

Another question it asked for power factor of a ex. 5 hp motor 3 phase with power factor of 90%. I know the multipliers are below the table but i didn't get an answer that coincided.

I can't remember this one exactly but it said something along the lines of 2hp motor what size wire would i use to the switch.
Do i just assume it's a single phase motor and multiply amperage by 80%

Last one would be a calculation for a new all electric restaurant if anybody has an example that would be great.

Hopefully some of you guys can help and share some of the one you remember but couldn't find. Thanks
The range question on 3 phase system usually involves more than 1 range. I am not sure what they are looking for

Hard to answer the motor question without knowing what voltage

You can't assume on a test, IMO bad question but you would multiply amps times 125% not 80%

Table 220.88 may help with the restaurant
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