Material Pricing in Seattle

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Senior Member
I am a bit tired of getting bad pricing from the Big 3 suppliers here just because I do not have a monthly account.

I used to not have accounts due to credit issues in my younger days, but now that I have better credit, I still don't want accounts, due to many reasons, like ease of over-buying, and surprises at the end of the month.

I am a licensed EC but don't do a lot of EC jobs, and if you really want to know why, send me a PM and I will tell you my life story.

I have seen what other EC's pay for stuff with an account, and it is like 30% less in many cases.

I get better pricing at Home depot, although I don't like going there, I find my complaints fall on deaf ears around here.

I have locals tell me they can beat my pricing at my wholesale stores, just cause they know someone that gives them account pricing, but do I get it, sorry.

Guess this rant has no purpose other than to get ideas from anyone else who has this problem.
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