Max phase shift of RC network

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Second the 90.
Mathematically anyway
(Do we win something?)

unless your looking for 180 on an oscillator circuit
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220307-1148 EST

The critical word in my question of post 1 was "network". In that original question I went into very little detail, and that was intended. What does the word "network" mean? It covers a very large number of things, and is not limited to a single R, and a single C. Based on the purpose of the question, which was to see if a student had a good understanding of circuit theory, then you could possibly call it a trick question, but useful to sort out students, and at the same time teach a concept.

If one understood the question, then a good and correct answer would be greater than 90 degrees. If you understood the question and its purpose, then greater than 90 is a more than an adequate answer.

To the extent there is a distinction, I would use RC circuit for only two components and RC network when more components are allowed.

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220309-23417 EST

I suggest that you go to various textbooks, and dictionaries, and look up the definition of network.

You will not find the limitation of just two elements. You might more likely find that two elements is insufficient to define a network. However, a look at electrical literature might allow two items to be sufficient for a network. Unless you properly understand or can interpret the meaning of a word you can not carry on an effective communication.

220309-23417 EST

I suggest that you go to various textbooks, and dictionaries, and look up the definition of network.

You will not find the limitation of just two elements. You might more likely find that two elements is insufficient to define a network. However, a look at electrical literature might allow two items to be sufficient for a network. Unless you properly understand or can interpret the meaning of a word you can not carry on an effective communication.


you say your an engineer but you seem to lack the basic nuances of communication with the tact and grace that one would expect from a learned man.

I suggest you look in various psychology texts and study a little on passive aggressive behavior and communication.

As for your comments regarding the limitation of two elements, may I suggest you do a little research on your own.
Computer networks are defined as two or more.

Here is an educational site that states a computer network is comprised of “two or more computers”.

Others describing RC network.

I will be unavailable for comment any longer on this matter as I have moved you to my ”ignore“ list, and I sincerely hope I make it to yours after your last diatribe.
220310-0917 EST


I am only responding to your post to clarify my previous comments. I expect no reply.

I did not say a two component circuit was not a network for electrical purposes. I was saying a general ordinary dictionary definition of the word network may not include just two elements as being a network.

The important point of my post was that the word network does not limit the circuit to just two components.

The important point of my post was that the word network does not limit the circuit to just two components.
My position is that the original question inferred such. It would be extremely difficult to address or eliminate every possible variable from every question.

This is like the "how much power is lost to a 1/2-ohm resistance in a 40a circuit" question. We can either simply answer the question, or debate why it can't be answered.
220310-1143 EST

How many of you know what product was the basis of the creation of the Hewlett-Packard Company, and how that product worked? Where that first product was used? Can you describe the essentials of that product?.

220310-1143 EST

How many of you know what product was the basis of the creation of the Hewlett-Packard Company, and how that product worked? Where that first product was used? Can you describe the essentials of that product?.


The 200A audio oscillator was their first product. The oscillator used a Wien Bridge (which has series RC leg and a parallel RC leg) to establish the oscillation frequency. A small light bulb was used in series with the cathode of one of the two tubes in the oscillator that reduced its gain as the amplitude of the oscillation increased. This maintained the loop gain of the feedback oscillator near unity, while also keeping the tubes in a relativley linear operating region which kept the distortion of the sinusoidal output very low.
Walt Disney was one of their earliest customers. One application that they used it for was the film Fantasia.

I still have an HP 200CD audio oscillator which was a later version.

Dave Packard provided funds to restore the Stanford Theater in Palo Alto. I saw the silent film Safety Last there, and the music was provided by a Wurlitzer organ that rose up from below the stage as the music began.
The emcee on the stage who introduced the film was Dave Packard himself.!
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