Re: Max Single Phase Load?
Guys -
Sheesh - I've got litle vector symbols scribbled all over the place and I'm having a little trouble with a few things. I generally think pretty well in vectors, but this one is tough.
Here are a few things I am seeing that are causing me to stumble:
1. <snip>But no matter how you slice it, ?power? is the one quantity that must always add up. You can?t always add one amp of current to two amps of current, and get three amps as the result. That is because of phase angle differences between the two currents. But one watt plus two watts will always be three watts, regardless of phase angles. <snip>
Well, I wouldn't exactly see it that way. For power out to load, voltage is a vector, current is a vector, both have magnitude and phase angle. So when you multiply the two together, then the result is a vector. Now add two power vectors, and the result is not a simple addition of the magnitudes. Now for heat disapated in the windings, heat is scalar, porportional to the current in the winding and should be alble to add all three
So, help me out here to get a handle on this vector monster. So, the following discussion restricts the loads to single phase, resistive, 240V connected to phases A-C. Also, no three phase loads or single phase loads connected to phase B. And, please deal with the 120V loads later too.
JT -If I am understanding you correctly, the current through the series ungrounded windings is one-half of the current through the grounded winding. Okay, that makes sense, the impedance is double cause there are two windings in series.
So the Iab = Ibc - 1/2(Ica). And Pab = Pbc = 1/2Pca. Now, I've been paying attention to you two, so it looks like the power put out by winding A-B has a phase angle of +60 deg and the power output of B-C has a phase angle of -60 deg relative to the phase angle of C-A. So some of the power pumped out by A-B is getting sucked up by B-C, in fact I would say half. Again from the previous conversations, power delivered to the load is split 2/3 from grounded winding, so Po (output to load) = Pca +1/2Pab +1/2 Pbc Okay that all matches all up
Second place I am seeing a difference of definition is in the terms concerned with power out from each winding, power delivered to load, power disipated as transformer heat. And I got some confusion here.
Translating Charlie's comments, I think he is saying, half of the power put out by winding A-B gets sucked up by the opposite phase angle component of B-C. So for any output Po, the transformer is heating winding C-A by an amount porportional to 2/3Po, heating A-B and B-C proportional to 1/3Po. Since these are just heat and are scalar, we ought to able to just add them for total heat, which is porportional to 2/3Po + 1/3Po + 1/3Po. So for any load sinking Po, the transformer is heated as though it were putting out 4/3Po.
How am I doing? This sucker is brutal.
Do you think the ?Principle of Superposition? applies here? Can we treat the single-phase 120V, the single phase 240 volt, and the three phase 240 volt loads as individual, linear components, and then add up their effects to get the true total?
yes but i'm not doing it.