Maximum number of transformer banks and capacity

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Good day gentlemen,

I just want to ask questions about the number of transformer banks installed by the distribution utility for a certain building serving multi-occupancy units.
Can you please indicate the name of the distribution utility serving your area and the maximum capacity of the transformer bank that can be served.
This is for voltages below 600 V.

If the demand exceed the maximum transformer bank available, will this be automatically serve thru primary service voltage?

Thank you for the information and reply..:smile:
For Allegheny Energy, that answer is dependant on the primary voltage available where the job is at. If it's an underground job, and there's 12.5 to 34.5 available, they will serve you with a padmount at up to 2500kva. For overhead, they won't do any 120/208 greater than 200 amps or any open delta with bigger than one 75kva and one 25kva. Certainly there are exceptions, but those are the rules. As far as the number of banks for one building, I have no idea. I guess I'd have to contact the LEED if I wanted to know, and he'd probably give me funny looks over the phone for even asking.
here part of my WPS [ Wisconsin Pubic Service Company ] i will link the PDF file it may take a min or so depending on how fast your computer is but here it is

that the limit of voltage and amp rating.

note that our POCO will not provide delta service to NEW comusters they only can get in WYE format only.
the exsting comuster still can get it but it will get more harder over the time.

Merci, Marc
A NYC special is (6) paralleled 2500kVA XFMRs with 480/277V on the secondary collector bus.
If you need more capacity, they will provide more than one of these "six baggers" on another side of the building.
Thank you so much sir for the information. I also would like to give the practices of our local company here in the Philippines.

Meralco, provides single service and single transformer bank for commercial or industrial service. But for valid reasons they may be granted with additional service or a maximum of two transformer bank per service.

As for residential application such as residential condominiums, they can provide unlimited number of transformer banks to serve each residential unit in the condo as long as each transformer bank is effectively loaded i.e. 80%..
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