MC and wet location question

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Senior Member
Berthoud, Colorado
Master Electrician
Would a roofed, 3/4 closed in deck area be considered a damp or wet location? Does the normal MC you buy work in this location, this Mc im talking about does have the plastic sheth under the metal shething.:happyno:
IMO, the roofed deck is a damp location and mc is rated for that type of install. I am not sure what mc does not have the plastic. Are you sure this is mc and not ac cable
Would a roofed, 3/4 closed in deck area be considered a damp or wet location? Does the normal MC you buy work in this location, this Mc im talking about does have the plastic sheth under the metal shething.:happyno:

At a risk of sounding unoriginal, I have to say that it's the AHJ's call whether to consider this a wet or a damp location.
You have to look at the cable's rating to determine if it's listed a particular location - wet or damp. The presence of polyethylene wrap under the cable's armor does determine its rating; You have to check its specs.
Sourthwire's and Cerrowire's MC and MC Lite that i've seen and worked with, both have plastic wrap underneath the armor, and they are rated as damp, not wet location cables.
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If it's determined you need a wet location cable, you'll probably have to step it up to pvc coated MC. That stuff is a little expensive, but it's the $12-15 special MC connectors you need that really add up.
MC cable I have the truck, says the wires in the cable are thhn /thwn.
Unfortunately, that in itself, won't allow in WET* locations. See 330.10 for the conditions.

(* not classifying his location as wet, just noting there are other conditions for wet so as not to mislead someone)
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