MC cable in elevator machine room

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Tenants want to install access control in the elevators, elevator company to install new traveler cable from elevator machine room J-boxes to each elevator, access control contractor will install their control panel in same room, will need 120v. power run from top floor electrical closet to the EMR, which in in a penthouse on the roof. There is a spare 3/4' conduit/1900 box in the EMR, can the EC run MC cable from that box to their control panel with MC, or will they have to use conduit?
Tenants want to install access control in the elevators, elevator company to install new traveler cable from elevator machine room J-boxes to each elevator, access control contractor will install their control panel in same room, will need 120v. power run from top floor electrical closet to the EMR, which in in a penthouse on the roof. There is a spare 3/4' conduit/1900 box in the EMR, can the EC run MC cable from that box to their control panel with MC, or will they have to use conduit?

I've been away from the code, so take this with a grain of salt: Per 620.21 MC is permitted in EMRs, but as long as it's not subject to physical damage (330.12)

This will likely be up to the AHJ. If everything else in the room is EMT, than that's a good indicator of what was/is expected.

I've always ran pipe, but MC is permitted and wasn't an option in many locations for me at that time.

Might put the State where you're located in your profile to get you more specific answers from those that both live there and have more current experience.
I've been away from the code, so take this with a grain of salt: Per 620.21 MC is permitted in EMRs, but as long as it's not subject to physical damage (330.12)

This will likely be up to the AHJ. If everything else in the room is EMT, than that's a good indicator of what was/is expected.

I've always ran pipe, but MC is permitted and wasn't an option in many locations for me at that time.

Might put the State where you're located in your profile to get you more specific answers from those that both live there and have more current experience.

Ahhh, you could check his signature. Just sayin'...
It's ok fellas, (semi) honest mistake. I work/live in the People's Republic of Virginia. I'm one of those pesky Chief Engineers people love to hate. :p
Dude, VA has statewide licensing and code adoption with amendments. Come to MD and you will get very grateful quickly.:)

Not to worry... Va. DEQ has come out with a slate of new regs for fluorescent bulb recycling, probably coming across the river to you in the future... :happysad:
Not to worry... Va. DEQ has come out with a slate of new regs for fluorescent bulb recycling, probably coming across the river to you in the future... :happysad:

Shoot, when I worked down there, we started that back in 2005. Had one of them fancy crushers with HEPA filters and such and a company to pick up the full barrels. Fluorescents/HPS/MH etc.
Shoot, when I worked down there, we started that back in 2005. Had one of them fancy crushers with HEPA filters and such and a company to pick up the full barrels. Fluorescents/HPS/MH etc.

There's the problem. DEQ tightening up on regs for crushers, IAQ (in the area where you crush, depending on monthly volume), markings on storage boxes, certifications, blah blah blah. Have had a crusher here for 10 yrs.
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