mc support

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Senior Member
Right here.
Re: mc support

The code does require that it is supported AND secured at intervals not to exceed 6 feet by a list of approved means. It does mention "other approved means", but goes on to state that this other means is to be "designed and installed...", which I take to mean a securing means expressly designed to secure MC cable. A bar joist was never purposely designed to secure MC cable. A zip tie meets the list of approved means, as does a regular old Caddy bang on MC hanger. There is an exception (sort of) for running the MC through holes and notches as being considered supported and secured. The opening in a bar joist hardly qualifies as a hole or notch in my mind. A hole in a wood I joist would, as would holes in studs, in my mind.

My 2 cents.

[ May 16, 2005, 09:27 AM: Message edited by: mdshunk ]
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