Yes you can but, it will have to be fire stopped as an approved UL penetration or through penetration. You can find the approved assemblies in the UL Orange Books or, you can contact the particular manufacturer of the fire caulk you intend to use and let them give you their instructions. Of course you may have an inspector that will let you go if he/she sees some fire caulk around the MC.
That's usually what happens. Most contractors don't know how to intall fire caulk correctly and don't provide the proper paper work to the inspector.
I require all through penetration firestop systems to be submitted to our department so we now what they are useing and how they should be installing it.
Can you pass m/c cable into or thru a firewall if it is firestopped? This is a new partition in a office remodel and I am using m/c for most of the work above ceiling and in the walls. I think this would be more of a building code question.
Thanks guys.