MCC Circuit Breaker Operation

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United States
I recently went to NFPA 70E training and there was a question I didn't get a very clear answer for. Say you have a HR Category 3 (as determined by an arc flash study) MCC line-up. Is operating an HMCP or other molded case breaker with the door closed considered a Category 3 task, or is it classified differently, and at what category?
Unless the MCC is an arc rated enclosure the HRC applies to operating the breaker with the door closed. Unless you operate it remotely from outside the AFB.

The 2012 70E clarified this a bit

Arc Flash Hazard. A dangerous condition associated with the possible release of energy caused by an electric arc.

Informational Note No. 1: An arc flash hazard may exist when energized electrical conductors or circuit parts are exposed or when they are within equipment in a guarded or enclosed condition, provided a person is interacting with the equipment in such a manner that could cause an electric arc. Under normal operating conditions, enclosed energized equipment that has been properly installed and maintained is not likely to pose an arc flash hazard.

Informational Note No. 2: See Table 130.8(C)(15)(1) for examples of activities that could pose an arc flash hazard.

Table 130.8(C)(15)(1) lists operating a breaker with the door closed as an activity, so that is not a "normal operating condition" and is considered an arc flash hazard. However, with no interaction and the MCC in a steady state condition, the 70E does not consider that to be an arc flash hazard.
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