MCC supplying motor loads in another building

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Should I require that the MCC supplying these loads be service rated and bonding in the class I Div II building be per 250.32(b) and call it good?
Well, also consider 501.30. Proper bonding in a classified location, even Divsion 2, is critical. Personally I wouldn't require the MCC to be service rated in an industrial facility with this application (as I said the engineer is correct)
What is a reasonable definition of "Documented Safe Switching Procedure"?
I would think it is a facility that is monitored 24 hours a day by qualified persons on site who are trained to execute the switching procedure.
Am I close?
That's pretty good.

Often the key to understanding why something like this is "common industry practice" is determining the "first responder" to an event. For example, many refineries have their own fire departments that will react and shut down all or part of a facility according to procedures for which they have been well trained. Smaller industrial facilities also have trained first responders.

If I were still particularly concerned, I'd check with the facility's fire warden/marshall as well as the local fire marshall.
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