Means of egress lighting

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Senior Member
New York
Is emergency lighting only required in the means of egress? Meaning areas like restrooms, pantries, etc. do not require emergency lighting?

Would a simple way to determine the means of egress be by locating exit signs? For instance, if there are no exit signs in areas like offices, conference rooms, etc. then there is technically no path of a means of egress, and therefore no emergency lighting is required?
The common path of egress travel starts at the far end of a room that generally moves to a corridor sometimes to a stairway ending outside - all are part of the means of egress. I generally look at it as if all is dark in regulated occupancies then illumination shall be provide at a minimum level to recognize obstacles to be avoided from where I am to the exterior of a building.

IBC 2015 1008.2.1 Illumination level under normal power. The means of egress illumination level shall be not less than 1 footcandle (11 lux) at the walking surface.

1008.3 Emergency power for illumination. The power supply for means of egress illumination shall normally be provided by the premises’ electrical supply. This section will give you specifics that you are looking for.
I guess what I'm more specifically asking how do you know the means of egress and which areas require EM lighting. For instance, you wouldn't put EM lighting in individual offices or areas not part of the means of egress. Maybe the easiest way to determine which areas are a part of the means of egress are the areas that have exit signs.
My understanding is that individual spaces (like a private office) do not require emergency lighting. It is assumed the one person who normally occupies that space can find their way to the door and the corridor.

But as soon as you have a common area (like a break room, a conference room, or even a restroom), then emergency lighting is required. But these areas would not require exit signs - there is usually a single door, and most people understand that is the way out.

But I usually don't put emergency lighting in storerooms, even though they are normally used by different people, and seem like they would also be a common area. I guess the assumption is that they are normally unoccupied.
Multiple Exits

Multiple Exits

If I remember the IBC correctly, egress lighting is only required in rooms that require more than one exit. As a result, offices, storage rooms, etc. do not require egress lighting. However, many clients want every room to have egress lighting. I have been asked to install egress lighting in electric closets, storage rooms, bathrooms, etc. where the IBC would not require them.
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