mechanically indicating 22mm 'e-stop'

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Senior Member
Springfield, MA, USA
Electric motor research
Does anyone know of an 'e-stop' style button actuator which _mechanically_ makes its state very visible, for example by having a different color that is exposed when the button is depressed, or a flag that pops out?

I know about illuminated devices and the like. Also the latching type e-stops which remain in a mechanically different position when depressed. I am looking for something which would indicate its state clearly without any power applied.

On Idec's and Siemens' latching E-Stop buttons, there is a green ring that is only visible when the button is pulled out. Some other lesser known brands do that too.

Years ago you could buy a clear plastic thin cover (think cellophane, but thicker and brittle) that went over the IEC 22mm E-Stop buttons which would break apart (safely) when the button was pushed. I liked those for one installation where people would reset the button after stopping a line. They tried using keyed switches but too many guys got copies of the keys. The breakaway cover was a tell-tale sign of which button was pressed. I don't see those offered anywhere now though. I always wondered if someone some day would claim that it cut their hand, I'm thinking maybe that happened and they got pulled from the market.

Now days however, if you use a Safety Relay system it can be programmed to let you know which input was triggered and not allow reset until someone who understands the procedure (or has a key) can attend to it.
the Eaton I posted has an indicator right in the middle of the operator that is visible from a distance.
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