Medium Voltage Cables Insulation


I have a project to install a fire barrier wall between two transformers. The fire barrier wall will be grounded and within 10 feet of the transformers. As a result I do not want the overhead aluminum conductors to cause a fault from those lines to ground via the concrete masonry unit, fire barrier. As a result I would like to insulate these cables with some material or just replace the cables with insulated wires.

The bare aluminum cables in use are currently #3/0 AWG ACSR and the second is #477 KCM ACSR Flicker. This is on a pair of 10 MVA 34.5 KV to 13.8 KV transformers.

Does anyone know any versions of these cables that are insulated? If so, please list them as I would prefer to purchase and replace my existing cables.

Also, does anyone know of any aftermarket insulation you can put on these medium voltage lines?

Looking for any input on this if anyone has already done this or had any experience with this.
This is not an answer to your question because I don't know.

I am curious about something. You indicated the fire wall will be grounded. I was curious how you plan to do that, or if you are considering it grounded because it is sitting on the dirt.
This is not an answer to your question because I don't know.

I am curious about something. You indicated the fire wall will be grounded. I was curious how you plan to do that, or if you are considering it grounded because it is sitting on the dirt.
We will ground the rebar in the concrete and it will be tied to the main substation grid underneath.