Megger ohm readings on a new installation

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Senior Member
I know I have had this discussion before, but I am looking for some documentation on what the minimum acceptable readings are.
Normaly when I meg cables I get 1 mg ohm thru infy, it has alot to do on how long the run is. If you are getting 1 mg ohm that is this should help.

If you are living by the one megohm rule then you are living on the edge.

PLEASE read more on this topic and take the time to Purchase the NETA Standards and DROP the one meg belief.

Infinity is meter dependent and time driven.
What do you think about this From Southwire
Installation and Application Guide
for 600V Conductors

Acceptable: A megohm meter reading of 50 megohms or higher should be considered
Investigate: A megohm meter reading of 2 to 50 megohms may be used for deciding when to
investigate the cable installation. In most cases, a 2 to 50 megohm reading does not indicate
the insulation quality. Therefore, 2 to 50 megohms should not be specified as a pass/fail value.
These readings are usually associated with long circuit lengths, moisture, or contamination.
Ends of conductors that are dirty or damp may need to be cleaned and dried.
Unacceptable: Readings less than 2 megohms will most likely indicate damaged insulation or
severe test conditions
Does the ANSI/NETA 2009 Standard for Acceptance Testing Specifications have specific Go/No Go --- Acceptable or Non Acceptable numbers for cable runs?
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