Meggering Sheet

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Senior Member
Has anybody got a premade checklist sheet they may want to share for doing insulation tests. This will be a mobile home and I would like it to list and name the branch circuits tested and the readings that I get.
The sheet should have a place for company name and the type of megger used,as in make and model and voltage

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electricguy said:
Does anybody have an idea how many hours this would take for a single wide mobile home its about 12 ft by 60 ft one bedroom 2 baths no additions were built onto it.
Are you fixing any problems at the same time or not?

Considering the setup involved just to start the test (removing lamps, jumpering GFCI's and dimmers, etc.), I budget 10 minutes per circuit for the whole deal with no repairs. Twenty circuits would be about 3 hours, give or take. If you uncover issues, the repairs could take hours or days longer. No telling.

At least trailers always had 4-wire ranges and dryers, so you won't have that issue to screw you up.
electricguy said:
Does anybody have an idea how many hours this would take for a single wide mobile home its about 12 ft by 60 ft one bedroom 2 baths no additions were built onto it.
my guess it would be about 3 - 5 hours hours. doesnt seem like that big of a house.
Repairs would be billed separately. Thanks .....good point, estimating the repairs would be a nightmare IMHO .

We recently had to do a panel change in a mobile as the old panel was obsolete. It was an ITE BL blueline and the main breaker had failed and wasnt avaiable. they are only avaiable up to 50 amps.
The AHJ wants the insulation test done for it to be recertified.
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