Megged some 2 year old 5000 volt lines today and got good readings phase to ground, below are phase to phase readings @ 5000 volts 10 min test.
A to B 793 M ohm
B to C 15.9 G ohm
A to C 269 M ohm
First time since construction of building we have been able to Megger.
Anyone think we should be concerned? All numbers look good to me, I am just concerned about the differences.
Thanks for any input in advance.
A to B 793 M ohm
B to C 15.9 G ohm
A to C 269 M ohm
First time since construction of building we have been able to Megger.
Anyone think we should be concerned? All numbers look good to me, I am just concerned about the differences.
Thanks for any input in advance.