I've had some dealings with arc furnace controls.I have (2) 4350 KVA 575 volt transformers feeding an electric melt furnace. (8000 amp)
Anyone here had experience with such that is willing to accept a few I.M.s ?
Is it an arc or induction furnace?
At 4,350 kVA it seems a bit small for an arc furnace.No even sure about that, From conversations, I assume ARC, Right now its a hole in the ground amd some 161k towers going up.
The preliminary print shows an AIC SCR furnace controller.
The drawings show some unusual grounding about which I have questions,
two transformers, not one.On another tack, 4350 kVA isn't 8kA (assuming the supply is 575V 3ph).
Point now noted and appreciated, thanks.two transformers, not one.