MEP Revit book for beginner

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I always learn new programs by pushing all the buttons to see what happens.

Now that I think of it, I wonder if that had anything to do with why I got fired from my job at the nucular plant?
Revit is pretty tough to learn just by trial and error, unless you have hours on end to dedicate to it.

Search on Amazon for revit books, and you will find the choice in books is pretty limited. On top of that, Revit is still evolving pretty fast: every new release still brings fairly large changes, so you need to make sure you get the book for the same version you are using.

If you haven't had any formal training on Revit, I'd start by going through the online users manual. That should help some.

In addition to that, you can find some online videos that show how to do specific tasks, and that cover specific features. However, I'm not aware of any that cover the latest version (except the ones on Autodesk's website.)

The ones I remember watching, the instructor went very slow with a very dry delivery. I watched them in a media player where I could set the speed to about 2x.

Edit: Here are the videos I remember: but the free ones look pretty dated.

The Revit Architecture videos will help teach you the basics too. Some of the things like curved walls are probably more detailed than you need, but other things like view settings are common to Revit Architecture and Revit MEP.
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