Merry Christmas.

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I want to take this time to wish everyone a Merry Christmas.

I was on a 1959 vessel that I condemned the entire electrical system on today. We will be rewiring it after the first of the year. Funny thing though. It had a residential type panel. It was rusty on the outside but like brand new inside. I pulled the breakers and the bars were clean too!
There were two GFCI's onboard which normally trip at the drop of a hat in a marine environment that were really looking aged. I used the GFCI test mode on my branch circuit analyzer and they tested good as well! Every other part of the vessel tested horrible except these two items. Hope everyone has a happy holiday.


Senior Member
Re: Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas

Don't spare the dielectric grease!

As my Father had a marina In Florida. I have done a few wiring jobs on boats, and know what you mean, mostly they are wired by the mechanics who don't know anything about electrical. We used No-alox on the line/shore voltage and silicone grease on the 12/24 volt connections copper or not. This stopped alot of premature failures. And made for very happy sailors. I have seen some use lithium grease yes it works but it can be flammable and could cause a fire which would not be welcomed at sea. :eek: I wonder why people think plastic electrical tape will stop moisture from getting in a connection. Big mastake in marine work.

[ December 14, 2003, 03:08 AM: Message edited by: hurk27 ]


Re: Merry Christmas.

Thanks Hurk And Tom,

I have recommended grease if a customer as an alternative to dielectric compound. i will not do that anymore. No fires thank you.

Tom, electrical tape?
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