Mesuring wire

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Code Historian
Electrical Design
Is anyone using wire measuring tools in service call trucks?
Like when you buy wire at the store?
Example a

We bill for wire by the foot and estimate by the foot but never rally have an accurate count from the field.

We can buy THHN on reels that show the feet used.
Do they make a mesuring romex or cat5?

No I haven't used that, but I don't know if it matters that much if I bill for 100' of #12 Thhn and we only used either 105' of 95'.

The larger wire it might matter, but that is usually cut at the supply house based on the measurements we give them. So then I already know what I am billing them.

Maybe getting too detailed on the quantity of Romex or Cat5.
Sell it buy the pound.I worked for a contractor that had a scale like in the produce dept hanging in the van he had us weigh the wire before and after and he had a table he used to convert pounds to feet.
Cat 5 has footage marked on it or just pull the tdr out of the truck for exact footage. I just estimate footage the per foot price is high enough to make up for any discrepancies. You can usually come up with a pretty acurate figure if you take a few minutes. I try not to miss a single wirenut or anti short bushing if possible evey penny counts. I try to keep the material honest too there is nothing worse than a customer who thinks he is overcharged squealing like a stuck pig. Like I said the service material pricing covers most small errors with volume pricing.
I use a digital fish scales that I bought at Cabela's for about 10 bucks each. I laminated some charts to correspond pounds to footage of the common cables. I can dig one up and scan it in later on if anyone wants it.
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