I'm working on an old metal building 100' x 200' and none of the metal is in contact with the earth. Of course like most old buildings I run into there's not a grounding rod one even at the service entrance.
From the way I read 250.52 if I properly ground at the service entrance junction box, and if that box is bonded to the metal building I'm OK?
In my opinion, and some may consider this overkill, but on a building that old and that large wouldn't I have an advantage not only adding the required ground at the service entrance but also driving ground rods at each corner of the building and bonding them to the metal shell?
From the way I read 250.52 if I properly ground at the service entrance junction box, and if that box is bonded to the metal building I'm OK?
In my opinion, and some may consider this overkill, but on a building that old and that large wouldn't I have an advantage not only adding the required ground at the service entrance but also driving ground rods at each corner of the building and bonding them to the metal shell?