Metal Floating Docks on Lakes

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IMO Article 553 is not applicable.

I. General
553.1 Scope. This article covers wiring, services, feeders,and grounding for floating buildings.
553.2 Definition.Floating Building. A building unit, as defined in Article 100, that floats on water, is moored in a permanent location,and has a premises wiring system served through connection by permanent wiring to an electrical supply system not located on the premises.
IMO Article 553 is not applicable.

A metal floating dock at a lake residence is usually a unit that floats on water, is moored in a permanent location,and has a premises wiring system served through connection by permanent wiring to an electrical supply system not located on the premises.

This is why it seems that 553 and 555 would apply to residential metal floating docks, most of which have a boat lift too.
Does the floating dock connect to the shoreline? If so, article 555 covers it. 2017 code added residential docks to 555.
Does the floating dock connect to the shoreline? If so, article 555 covers it. 2017 code added residential docks to 555.

Most metal floating docks at lake residences are fed from a GFCI breaker at the house.
So yes, they are fed from the shore.
And, they do not use a ship to shore plug, its permanent wiring in conduit.

Therefore, as noted above, the 2017 Article 555 surely covers this since it picked up residential docks.
However, Article 553 seems to possibly still apply as well.
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How is a floating dock a building?

I. General
553.1 Scope. This article covers wiring, services, feeders,and grounding for floating buildings.
553.2 Definition.Floating Building. A building unit, as defined in Article 100, that floats on water, is moored in a permanent location,and has a premises wiring system served through connection by permanent wiring to an electrical supply system not located on the premises.
Should both Article 553 Floating Buildings and Article 555 (includes Residential Docks now) be used for metal floating docks?

I spoke to an NFPA NEC instructor the other day, he says Article 555 now applies to residential docks.
That 553 is not intended for docks.
553 is very vague on its application, I wish they would clean this up.
I spoke to an NFPA NEC instructor the other day, he says Article 555 now applies to residential docks.
That 553 is not intended for docks.
553 is very vague on its application, I wish they would clean this up.

I don't see Article 553 as being vague. It states clearly that it applies to floating buildings.
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