metal halide lighting

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Can anyone give me the approximate difference in cuurent draw between 400w MH fixtures and 1000w MH fixtures. These are 208v. fixtures. I've talked to customer taht wants to swap out about 20, 400watters and replaced with 1000watters. These are pole mounted on a parking lot. Thanks!

[ March 01, 2005, 11:16 AM: Message edited by: patc ]
Re: metal halide lighting

1000 watt Metal Halide pulls about 1100 watts.
400 watt Metal Halide pulls about 450 watts.
Re: metal halide lighting

C'mon, how hard it it to find this info on your own? This seems a little basic to me.

To get an exact figure, you must look on the ballast manufacturer's or fixture manufacturers website or catalog and get the current ratings of the ballasts/fixtures in question.

You must add up the current rating from all the fixtures you have, and then decide what new fixtures you will install, and go from there.

If you want a quick ballpark estimate, simply do an Ohm's law calculation.
Re: metal halide lighting

Originally posted by patc:
Can anyone give me the approximate difference in cuurent draw between 400w MH fixtures and 1000w MH fixtures. These are 208v. fixtures. I've talked to customer taht wants to swap out about 20, 400watters and replaced with 1000watters. These are pole mounted on a parking lot. Thanks!
Does the owner know about the possibility of replacing the conductors as well? Overcurrent Protection?
Re: metal halide lighting

Thats right Pete, I would like an accurate # to work with. The bucket truck is not on the job yet and I don't know who makes the fixture but I have looked on Ruud lighting's website and did get some info from there. Wire size is definately a problem.
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