Metal racks in hazardous boundary location

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have metal rack in hazardous boundary location. The rack would be to house food in case of emergency. I read 250.4(A)(5)(4) which states other electrical or non current electrical conductive material likely to become energize shall be connected to establish effective ground fault current. However the language is confusing. Other than that I am not sure if it’s in any other article or section in NEC 2014.

Does anyone know if the metal rack above in hazardous location need to be grounded?
If no electrical circuits are run to these racks, then an inspector probably wouldn't consider them likely to become energized.

Depending upon the floor they are mounted on, I might consider static bonding. But that is a different kettle of fish from electrical code ...

If no electrical circuits are run to these racks, then an inspector probably wouldn't consider them likely to become energized.

Depending upon the floor they are mounted on, I might consider static bonding. But that is a different kettle of fish from electrical code ...


What NFPA codes cover static electrical for metal racks hazardous area if not NEC?
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