Metal underground water pipe

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have underground water pipe coming from underground to slab in basement of the building then going to first and second floors of the building.

My main service disconnect is located in first floor electric closet where the water pipe emerges in the electric closet after going around some turns in basement first.

The question is can I connect GEC from service disconnect to the emergining water pipe in first floor electric closet or do I have to extend GEC all the way to basement where water pipe emerges from underground and connect GEC within first five feet of entrance of the pipe according to NEC 2014 version?
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250.68(C) would require the connection within 5' of the entry of the water pipe electrode into the structure.
Ok but addition to post #1 the first floor is divided to four tenant spaces. The space is divided with fire walls and has existing incoming service into one of the spaces. The water pipe emerges in electric closet in tenant space where their is incoming service with service disco for that tenant space. Would I still have to go back to basement and connect GEC within 5 feet or connect to first floor electric closet water pipe?
Ok but addition to post #1 the first floor is divided to four tenant spaces. The space is divided with fire walls and has existing incoming service into one of the spaces. The water pipe emerges in electric closet in tenant space where their is incoming service with service disco for that tenant space. Would I still have to go back to basement and connect GEC within 5 feet or connect to first floor electric closet water pipe?

Yes, you do. This has nothing to do with tenant spaces and fire walls but everything to do with ensuring connection to the grounding electrode system. In your case it is the metallic water line.
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