Metal WireWay % Fill

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If I am running a metal wireway that will only have circuitcontrol conductors, 120Vac On/Off, 24Vdc On/Off, & 4-20mA, how do I calculatemy % of fill? Article 376.22(A) says 20%; however article 376.2(B) States thatsignal circuit conductors are not counted as current carrying conductors. Sowhich conductors count toward the 20%?
Also is it allowable to run the valve airline in the same raceway, if so is the airline counted towards the 20%?
First you probably can't mix the 120 volt conductors with the 24 volt and 4-20mA ones. See 300.3(C) and make sure you read the Informational Note. Wire fill and derating are independent from each other. All conductors count for the wire fill area. Only the current carrying conductors count for derating.
The air line cannot be installed in the wireway. See 300.8

Also is it allowable to run the valve airline in the same raceway, if so is the airline counted towards the 20%?


300.8 Installation of Conductors with Other Systems.
Raceways or cable trays containing electrical conductors
shall not contain any pipe, tube, or equal for steam, water,
air, gas, drainage, or any service other than electrical.

As to the rest of your questions, I gotta look them up.
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