Meter can wireing.

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110.3 (B) could be one place (in the Code) that may require inhibitor on Cu (or Al for that matter). The requirment to apply a mfg identified paste to typical wire terminations rests with the splicing, terminating device mfg or the conductor mfg.

For what it's worth I have a book from Southwire on copper wire and that text recommends the application of inhibitor on all copper termninations. But locally I have only seen such application for a marine enviorment.

I see the resonse from texas is inhibitor required there?
706.8, under retro encabulator service equipment.

If that's not there, it's not there.

Not accordng to Rockwell

I don't believe the code has never required the use of noalox. That was a manufacturers instruction for aluminum wire. Todays aluminum does not need noalox but I can't break an old habit. :)

I got the 706 reference, but I could not remember what "retro encabulator service equipment" was until Dennis added the link. That is a classic.

And like Dennis, even though there is no requirement to use Noalox, I can't stop. Although, now I dab it on and rub it in like the instructions say rather than leave stalactites of ooze hanging from the lugs.
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