meter socket enclosures

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My question is this, is it permissible by the code to use a exsiting meter socket and connect into the supply side and then feed another meter socket then a disconnect150 amp for another 150 amp panel in the same building? it is a 3 phase 4 wire delta system.

If it not possible, can someone out their advise me on how i can do i? the owner of the building is going to be renting another part of his building and will be separating it by a wall.

[ May 27, 2003, 06:24 PM: Message edited by: darryljcooper ]

tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
Staff member
Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
Re: meter socket enclosures

The meter socket is not required by the NEC. However there are issues with the regrounding of neutral at the second socket.
I am not sure of what you are asking. do you want to make a tap on the line side of the first meter? You won't be able to do this in the socket due to lack of room, but you could install a wireway ahead of the first socket.

But before you go too much further, check with your serving utility and see if they will allow. The meter is installed per their requirements.
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