meter with neutral bonded to frame

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underground service from t box to main switch fused 3wire over to meter with neutral bonded to frame over to M.L.O.PANELwith neutral isolated from frame can it be a 3wire but i believe it should be 4wire because neutral should be isolated but it seems to be 250,142,B excetion #2allows it to be a 3wire can anyone help me out with this? thanks
Re: meter with neutral bonded to frame

I think you may have left out the letter "T" in "CT"...or at least that what I think you are talking about.

In regards to your question, in my opinion running an equipment ground before the service disconnect is a violation of 310.4, unless they are the same size. Think about bond the nuetral and ground at the service disconnect, and the nuetral will be bonded to the CT can along with the ground. Nuetral and ground are one and the same on the supply side of the switch.
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