Meter with water gushing out

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This is the best I could find. Not exactly what you want but it may get the point across

I am looking for that picture of the meter socket with the water gushing out. Any idea where I would find it? :)
I'm pretty sure I remember seeing a photo of a 120V receptacle with water squirting out of it on this forum. I don't remember a meter socket.
I am looking for that picture of the meter socket with the water gushing out. Any idea where I would find it? :)

I had a home that we redid after a tornado and one day got a call water was coming out of the electric panel!
When I got there sure enough water was gushing out of panel. Went outside and water was gushing out of the meterbase also. This was after a recent downpour.
Well a new home was being built behind and up higher than this house and when they graded the driveway it created a swell that led to the pad mount transformer feeding my job. The water entered the pad mount and in turn the 3" PVC conduit that led to my meterbase.
I got a call. The son of an old customer had bought a spec. house. He had water spraying from his meter, the breaker panel in the basement was drizzling water. We found the underground service conduit was apart at the base of the power pole. Up the hill from it was the above ground pool. The owner decided to drain the pool. It was using the service conduit as a drain.
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