Meyers hubs required where

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Senior Member
Can someone point me in the right direction on where in the code I can read about where I need to use a Meyers hub or sealing lock nuts if allowed when entering the side or top of a 3R panel?
Thank You.
It wi be in panels or such , live parts in wet locations and entries.

ETA:312.2 is he NEC reference.

If it is a article 314 box, the wording is a bit different. I am not sure exactly where wet location fittings would be required?

ETA 314.15 is the section. I guess everywhere except the bottom is the way I read it.
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If you want to follow listing, I believe both meyers hubs as well as sealing locknuts are only listed for RMC/IMC, other raceways you are supposed to use appropriate fitting. That said most liquidtight flex connectors are fine but raintight EMT fittings are useless for sealing against the enclosure wall and I use meyers hub with the RT fitting threaded into it most of the time anyway even though it isn't listed for such.
For Article 312 installations a connection rated for wet locations is required when the entry is above live parts. For boxes in Article 314 all sides require a connection that is rated for wet locations when the box is installed in a wet location.
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