MFD Common Area Laundry Equipment Service Calculation

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Master Electrician
I have a question regarding a multifamily dwellings common laundry area. I have always regarded the common area as being outside the scope of Section 220.52(B) & 220.54, as far as the Washer and Dryers are concerned. The wording of both sections makes it clear that they relate to the actual dwelling(s) within a MFD Building, and by extension, the 1500va Laundry cir. and 5000va Dryer minimums would not apply, nor would Table 220.54 demand values. In other words you would take all the equipment at nameplate values with no demands.
I was recently informed that 220.52(B) & 220.54 do apply, but I know that common areas within a MFD's Building are not treated as a Dwelling Unit. Is this up for debate, or pretty much settled, or am I wrong in my interpretation. If I am, I am sure y'all will let me know!
By the way, this is my first post, but have been around a while and have read many threads. Great resource.
Thanks for any input,
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Seems the consensus is that NO, you cannot use the demands for any electric clothes dryer not in a Dwelling, and that the 1500va min. Laundry only applies within a Dwelling. So, what makes a Dryer a "Household" dryer is simply it's location, not it's design as far as the NEC is concerned. You could install a Commercial coin-operated dryer inside a dwelling and it is now a Household dryer per NEC. I never doubted this, but when you see the dryer demands and minimum laundry circuit VA being applied to the common area of a MFD in an electrical calculation workbook it makes you wonder.
This was NOT in a Mike Holt publication. I will say that if you are an apprentice, or studying for a test, be sure to only go with trusted educators and authors. I knew enough to question the obvious mistake, but someone new to the trade may not be. There are too many sources out there that get things wrong, so stay with those that are well known and Mike Holt, James Stallcup, Paul Abernathy, or the others that we all know.
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