What are the qualifications of the installer?? Are they an engineer who can give you a stamped and sealed document? Stand your ground... You're in the right.
Don't really know his qualifications, he claimed to be mechanical engineer for heating/cooling system.
I was originally contacted to hook up power for the geothermal system for a customer I've worked for before. Contacted the installer and I told him for me to hook up electrical I need the specs on all that equipment going in, he never gave an issue and first he provided just a list of items and amperages. So called again for more info because what he gave totaled 214Amps, to find out if there were any loads that will not run concurrently, if motor loads were starting amp or running amp, was any soft starts being used, and if there was any auxiliary impedance heat added, because the loads he sent me was quite high. He seemed puzzled by the question. He said he wasn't sure on some of that so he was providing the cut sheets from the mfg.
After I got the cut sheets I asked if they did an electrical load calculation because my numbers were still too high for the 200Amp service, his response was "No we never do that, just size for heating and cooling requirements. He followed with "we've put in a lot of 2 pump systems in on 200 amp service and never had any issues". I asked if they ever did a 4 pump system in a 7600sq ft house. He said "no never that big, but a lot of 2 pump systems", he continued to say they've never had an issue before with electrical installation requirements. So I asked if there were any components that will not operate at the same time, the only thing mentioned was one of the well pumps, that they are stagered so that they will only one run at a time. Also the heat pumps will only one start at a time but all four may be running depending on heating cooling needs, after incorporating that I ran the numbers using that data it still was a lot over and was only to get the loads for the geo system down to 176Amps.
Add that into the 7600sqft existing dwelling load of 136Amps (calculated, actual demand load not available).
I just see all that fitting into a 200A service.