Miami Weatherproof

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Miami WP

Miami WP

It's about half a tube of silicone.
The owner told me that a handyman did it about 8 or 9 years ago and he hasn't had any problems with nuisance tripping since it was "repaired".
By the way, the cord is spliced on to a piece of romex that goes into a piece of smurf, then up the wall and disappears into the attic.
dezwitinc said:
By the way, the cord is spliced on to a piece of romex that goes into a piece of smurf, then up the wall and disappears into the attic.
:mad: You're kidding!!!??? They ought to put people in jail for that kind of stuff.
cowboyjwc said:
Ahhhh, silicone and duct tape, what more does a man need?

"Arrghh, arrghh, arrghh!"​
Hey Doug,

Did you know your Avatar is a a childhood picture of DON SHIELDS from UL and formerly the NFPA?

When he states that he has 50 years of electrical experience, he's got the proof of it!
mdshunk said:
:mad: You're kidding!!!??? They ought to put people in jail for that kind of stuff.

These are the two guys guys in the station wagon I've been telling you about. I see them all around Miami. A couple funny Cuban guys. They call themselves Hose A and Hose B.
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