Mich. energy forum monthly video

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Senior Member
Ann Arbor, Michigan
111206-1754 EST

A local group called Spark is an incubator for new ideas and businesses. Included in it is a group called Michigan Energy Forum that meets monthly. A lot of the past presentations have been short on quantitative support for what is presented. Just qualitative --- we can generate power from the sun --- without a real value analysis.

This month's meeting on 12-1-2011 was much better, especially the talk by Valerie Brader. She is Chief Energy Policy Officer for the Michigan Economic Development Corporation appointed by our new Governor Rick Snyder.

The link to the video of the meeting is

You have to skip over or wait thru the introductory stuff before you get to her talk.

The other two presenters had some useful information. Paul Savage, a salesman, talked about their development of the worlds largest machine to make rotor blades. This is 240 ft long, is flat to within 0.001" over that distance, and parallel within 0.004". The goal is to build lower cost wind generators.



Senior Member
Ca and Wa
Great presentation Gar.
Being from the West Coast, I had little idea how fossil fuel has such an impact in the Mid West economy and the importance of creating a renewable energy foothold to overcome the negatives of coal (and oil) dependence in our Nation.
The presenters show a passion for dealing with future costs and reducing environmental issues the best they can. I can appreciate the value of hydro-electric generation after watching the challenge Michigan is faced with to be industrially competitive based on energy consumption costs alone. Thanks for the link and video. rbj
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