The NJ test questions are not in the same format as Mike's questions.
As has been mentioned, that should not be a problem when studying for the test.
One of your study procedures that you should be aware of and use all of the time is BECOME FAMILAR with the NEC.
Mike's questions will help you to become familar with the NEC. As you study, do not be ego driven... what do I mean by this? As you answer questions, learn to "read forward for information, and read backwards for location". So as you answer each question, look backwards once you have found the section number. You look backwards in this order, 1. back to the actual section number if you found the answer in a subsection. 2. Backward a little further to the Part you are in. 3. Backwards again to the Article, 4. and backwards again one more time to the Chapter you are in. This method takes more time per question (hence my statement of not being ego driven to see how many questions you can answer per homework session). One of the benefits of using this method is you will become very familar with the NEC and any question that is asked, you will more easily BE ABLE TO LOCATE the answer, thus saving time in the test and most likely answering more correctly... the goal of any test!
This process develops a habit that will help you be aware if you are in the proper location in the NEC to actually answer a question, whether it is a test question or a question that may come up in the field.
I teach this to my students. This way when you will be able to take any test and you will be prepared, reqardless of the format of the questions.