D Dbronx Senior Member Location Colorado Aug 23, 2013 #1 Data: Miller 200/300 AMP single phase 220 volt 50/60 HZ 70 amp MCB Avalible voltage 400 volts 230 volts phase to ground Can I connect 230 volt phase to L1 and neutral to L2 on welder, will it work and how long?
Data: Miller 200/300 AMP single phase 220 volt 50/60 HZ 70 amp MCB Avalible voltage 400 volts 230 volts phase to ground Can I connect 230 volt phase to L1 and neutral to L2 on welder, will it work and how long?
S SceneryDriver Senior Member Location NJ Occupation Electrical and Automation Designer Aug 25, 2013 #2 It should work just fine. I used to live in Macau when I worked for Cirque du Soleil, and that's what we did there. All we had to do was change the plug to match the local outlets. Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2013
It should work just fine. I used to live in Macau when I worked for Cirque du Soleil, and that's what we did there. All we had to do was change the plug to match the local outlets.