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NE (9.06 miles @5.9 Degrees from Winged Horses)
EC - retired
My MIL had a small TV in her kitchen for years. She complained a few weeks ago about it going off by itself, IIRC. Time for a new one. We bought a new one for her living room too, while she was still in the mood. (She was raised during the 30's and spends nothing extra.)

She called yesterday to say that the one in the kitchen still comes on by itself. Okay, maybe I do not remember correctly. Crud. Unversal remotes she used before may have been a problem, but they are different brands of tv and separated by a wall with no line of sight from one area to the other.

I will check into loose connections, etc but that would account for Off, not On.

Any other thoughts?
130306-0822 EST

I don't know. Line transients are a possibility.

My problems that I just tolerate.

A GE microwave. Does funny things. Cycle completes. Open door and remove contents. Close door and microwave turns on. Unplug, wait a moment, and plug back in. Works fine until the next random time it decides to misbehave. Its reset button does not clear the problem.

Fundamentally it is bad circuit design or possibly lead free components. We are going to see more circuit failures because of lead free. Tin without lead tends to grow very fine whiskers. Personally I won't use lead free solder. I always use 63-37 for any circuits I build.

GE wall oven. If left with power applied but off it randomly goes into a beeping state. Now the breaker remains off unless it is really necessary to use the oven. We probably don't use the oven more than once per month anymore. When heating the oven seems to work OK.

I know everyone was holding their breath in anticipation for the solution to this problem. Turns out it will restart only after she uses the remote to turn it Off. Turning Off by itself was not a problem.

I think she is double clicking the remote. Her hands aren't as steady as kid of 60 and there is a bit of delay in the action from the TV.
I can duplicate what she may be doing on my small tv at home, every now and then.
I know everyone was holding their breath in anticipation for the solution to this problem. Turns out it will restart only after she uses the remote to turn it Off. Turning Off by itself was not a problem.

I think she is double clicking the remote. Her hands aren't as steady as kid of 60 and there is a bit of delay in the action from the TV.
I can duplicate what she may be doing on my small tv at home, every now and then.

yep many newer TV's have a same button for off and on on the remote, if this is the case then that is what I would suspect.
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