Will it be installed in the mine i.e. underground?External load connection section
Often times there is also a label on the inside side of the panel.
I will say that is not a Square D or Cutler-Hammer or Federal Pacific.
what loads use 575 or 950?
Will it be installed in the mine i.e. underground?
If so, are there special requirements for the enclosures like having to be explosionproof?
yes, underground
non xp if away from the face (where coal is cut and methane released)
And in a well ventilated area
if not, xp, which they try to avoid due to hazard and cost
A load center like this new 200k, to rebuild like this 100k, perhaps less on this one since it is not stripped and painted
double or more for xp
the network/single line
surface sub drops 12.47 or 7.2 kv down a borehole into the mine into a switch house
it will divide as necessary, basically 1 out per mining section
the mv is run thru the mine into switches to feed other sections (if req) or feed load centers for belt conveyors or at the end of line for the actual mining
this is extended/repeated as mining advances deeper into the coal seam
miles, 5 or 10
when v drop of pf becomes an issue a new sub/borehole is constructed and the whole sequence repeated
Yes, I'm aware of the cost element.The requirements are quite onerous. The VSDs we did for coal mining were fitted in huge cast iron boxes. The bolts holding the covers on had a maximum spacing between and the cover mounting flanges had to be a certain width something like 100mm. The idea behind this, I was told, was that if the guts of the kit exploded the hot gasses produced would cool suffiently before they escaped with the extent of the path.
Interesting application. I wasn't involved in the EEXd design or certification. We just supplied the equipment to go inside the box to a UK company. Their market was mainly China, the UK coal industry died a death in the seventies. Mods, apologies for the little digression.
Now that is eye candyNever seen mining equipment before, and I have to admit its something I wouldn't mind doing.
It's good work
the shop guys do all right but the underground guys really make hay
complex, critical work in a hostle production oriented environment
shift work for some
Interesting thought about shift work.
Where I worked had a three shift system. The night shift ran from 22:00 to 06:00. Go to work in the dark, go home in the dark. Sleep through the daylight hours.
Down a coal mine, it is Stygian blackness all the time.
Hard to describe unless you have been there and done that.