mini split interconnect cable and MC inners

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HVAC guy ran TC-ER cable for some mini splits, and I got zinged on it during inspection. Although this is Washington, which has an exception allowing TC-ER cable to be used where NM is allowed, this is in a commercial building and part of the runs are above a drop ceiling which is of course a deal breaker. I am working with the HVAC guy to find a solution. Here is the exception:

WAC 296-46B-336
Power and control tray cable—Type TC. 010 Uses permitted. In addition to the uses allowed in NEC 336.10, Type TC cable may be used in any location allowed for nonmetallic-sheathed cable in NEC 334 if all the installation requirements in NEC 336 and 334 and WAC 296-46B-334 are met.

The interconnect cables are run in three different areas: 1) above a drop ceiling. 2) in vertical chases that will be covered, and 3) on the roof. On the roof, the TC-ER is currently sleeved in LFNC and follows the line set. Questions:

1) It seems to me that, giving the exception/allowance in the WAC (Washington Administrative Code) the only issue is with #1, in which case I proposed sleeving the portion that is above the drop ceiling in something, probably greenfield. Do you concur?

2) He threw around the idea of just replacing the entire run of TC-ER with MC. The MC could be stripped/transitioned/sleeved for the #3 part. I said that MC inners are often just THHN and would need to be THWN being on the roof. I checked two different brands of MC I had lying around and both only had THHN on the tracer. Southwire's website says their inners are THHN/THWN, but I would want to see it with my own eyes. Anyone recall which MC has THWN inners?

3) any other ideas? Of course coated MC would be ideal (southwire makes a min split cable which is essentially just coated MC) however he said he got a price on it and it was very pricey and the connectors are like a zillion dollars each. There are 6 units and probably over 1000' of interconnect.


EC, Westchester, New York NEC: 2014
Hawthorne, New York NEC: 2014
MC and transition on the roof to conduit with THHN/THWN conductors. I believe MC uses conductors marked THHN/THWN. If you only have a short run you could strip the armor but longer I would transition with a splice box.


curt swartz

Electrical Contractor - San Jose, CA
San Jose, CA
Electrical Contractor
On most of the projects I work on the HVAC contractors use the MC Mini Split cable. I can't believe the cable and connectors are really that expensive compared to the overall cost of all the HVAC equipment. The connectors are a standard PVC jacketed MC cable (aka "parking deck") connector. Sounds like the contractor either needs to talk to a different supplier or is the type that will spend $$$ and many house labor to avoid buying a $10 connector.
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