I'm in a large manufacturing plant with lots of 480V control panels and service disconnects. We have several eyewash stations and emergency showers throughout the plant. The question has been raised "what is the minimum distance required between these items and electrical equipment?" I've looked at 406.9, 312.2, 314.15, 547.5(c)(2) and it seems they all basically say electrical equipment in damp, wet, locations, or dry locations that are sprayed periodically, needs to be weatherproof. I see no clearance specification anywhere. Of course receptacles in the immediate areas are GFCI, but again I see no distance info. Is there any such distance with regard to water?
I'm in a large manufacturing plant with lots of 480V control panels and service disconnects. We have several eyewash stations and emergency showers throughout the plant. The question has been raised "what is the minimum distance required between these items and electrical equipment?" I've looked at 406.9, 312.2, 314.15, 547.5(c)(2) and it seems they all basically say electrical equipment in damp, wet, locations, or dry locations that are sprayed periodically, needs to be weatherproof. I see no clearance specification anywhere. Of course receptacles in the immediate areas are GFCI, but again I see no distance info. Is there any such distance with regard to water?