Minimum headroom

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Senior Member
New York, NY
Hey guys,
I'm looking at NEC section 110.26(A)(3) in the 2017 version, which is the height of working spaces, and it's stated as 6-1/2 feet. What if you have electrical conduits below this headroom, say at 6' AFF, in front of the panels? They are not blocking the panels. I'm assuming that's still a violation since the conduits are below 6-1/2 feet?
Sorry for the bad news but don't believe everything that you read in an article. The 1990 NEC required 6¼' of headroom {110-16(F)}. The 1993 expanded that to the current required 6½' of headroom {110.-16(F)}.
Sorry for the bad news but don't believe everything that you read in an article. The 1990 NEC required 6¼' of headroom {110-16(F)}. The 1993 expanded that to the current required 6½' of headroom {110.-16(F)}.
But but but... it's the internet!! :)

Thanks for the heads up.
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