Minimum service levels for 2 family home

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Senior Member
New Jersey
Looked at an older 2-family home (ca. 1920's). Service equipment was replaced in July, 2009. Not sure what was there before - maybe Federal box, maybe fuses?

At any rate, 50-amp main disconnects were provided - one for each apartment. The apartments were relatively large - 2nd floor apartment has completely finished attic with several bedrooms. 1st floor also services a finished basement and a detached 2 car garage is present.

It seems to me that this was a waste of money. From what I picked up by osmosis via a variety of sources over the years, 100-amps per dwelling is the minimum for a 2-family home.

I've even had clients pee and moan more than 15 years ago when the POCO gave them problems with 60-amps per in a 2 family (they wanted to add an "owners" panel since the building was going to be a rental) and required them to upgrade.

I know I am getting wordy; however, is there a standard that I can reference on this?
This help ?
230.79 Rating of Service Disconnecting Means.
The service disconnecting means shall have a rating not less than the calculated load to be carried, determined in accordance with Part III, IV, or V of Article 220, as applicable. In no case shall the rating be lower than specified in 230.79(A), (B), (C), or (D).
(A) One-Circuit Installations. For installations to supply only limited loads of a single branch circuit, the service disconnecting means shall have a rating of not less than 15 amperes.
(B) Two-Circuit Installations. For installations consisting of not more than two 2-wire branch circuits, the service disconnecting means shall have a rating of not less than 30 amperes.
(C) One-Family Dwellings. For a one-family dwelling, the service disconnecting means shall have a rating of not less than 100 amperes, 3-wire.
(D) All Others. For all other installations, the service disconnecting means shall have a rating of not less than 60 amperes.
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