Minimum spacing between lightning and electrical conduct

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New member
Hello, I'm from Ontario Canada.

I'm hoping someone can help me here with a lightning rod protection system question.

I'm looking at a Canada-U.S. border toll booth project. There are two booths- one for the Canadian side, and one for the U.S. side.

For each side, the project proposes two lightning rods installed on top of the roof of the booth with grounding conductors routed along the roof and down to the ground to their respective grounding rods in the ground.

This toll booth also has a number of electrical conductors on the roof for lights and for an led sign.

The project was already done on the U.S. side. When I looked at a picture of the work done on the roof, I can see that some of the electrical conductors are rather close to the lightning rod conductors, like less than 3 feet apart.

I was a bit surprised to see this because the Canadian Electrical Code states that a min. of 2 meters spacing between the conductors must be provided, or, if not possible, the ground electrodes for the lightning rod system and the electrical system must be bonded.

Does the NEC specify minimum spacing or bonding between lightning rod conductors and electrical conductors?

If bonding is required, where is this bonding permitted?



Senior Member
Re: Minimum spacing between lightning and electrical conduct

Per section 250.106 of the NEC, the lightning protection system and the grounding electrode system must be bonded together.

Spacing of the two system conductors are not specified in the NEC. There is a suggestive statement in the FPN to that section which references the NFPA 780-2004.

The electrodes themselves should not be less than 6' apart.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: Minimum spacing between lightning and electrical conduct

I'm afraid that I don't have an answer for you, but I would like to ask a question. I like to visit Canada from time to time, and it is not a very long drive from my home. Did you really mean "toll booth?" :D
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