Minimum Wire Size 2000A Service 480V

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Design Engineer
Is there minimum wire size for 2000A/480V?
When will I count neutral as current carrying conductor, I'm not sure if I need to derate the wire because of neutral (4 wires in conduit 80%). and do I need to derate the wire due to ambient temperature of 36 C? all equipment are inside the electrical room in basement
Thank you

No the neutral does not need to be counted as a CCC and why does the inside of a building have an ambient temperature of 36° C?
1) There are situations where the neutral must be counted as a CCC, for example if you have a majority of L-N non-linear loads. It is very unlikely that this will be the case.

2) There is no NEC wire size that will carry 2000A, so at this current level you are forced to use parallel conductors. The minimum NEC permitted parallel conductor is 1/0 AWG. In theory you might parallel a large number of 1/0 conductors, but as a practical matter for 2000A you will parallel fewer larger conductors.

3) If you really have a sustained ambient temperature of 36C then you must adjust for this. It is unlikely that this is the case.
we would normally specify 5 parallel runs of (4) 600 KCMIL copper or seven parallel runs of (4) 500 KCMIL aluminum or eight parallel runs of 350 KCMIL aluminum for service entrance conductors on 2000 amp services. in services of this size, the installation that gives the lowest cost will be one that maximizes wire economy - widening or deepening a trench to allow a couple more pipes is inexpensive compared to using fewer but larger conductors usually. for a service this large, normally the service entrance conductors would be underground - will the ambient temperature really be 36C in an underground run? since no splices are allowed in SE conductors, and since increasing the size of the conductors would represent a significant cost, i would attempt to locate the SE gear so that the SE conductors would not be exposed to elevated ambients.
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