Minnesota Journeyman Exam!

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Has anyone taken the Minnesota Journeyman's Exam that can shed a little light on what I might be in store for? I have been studying the code quite a bit the last 6 months and I feel very comfortable finding what I need in the code, but what is it that trips people up so much? I Feel I'll be ready because of the studying I've put in but I always hear about people saying that it kind of blindsides them. This is coming from people that have studied quite a bit for the test and felt comfortable going in just to find out they failed. I have watched Mike Holts Dvds on how to understand the electrical code and answered the questions, and I'm in the process of finishing up his the NEC exam book, all this plus more on the side. All have helped me out very much, but Mike Holt Products have given me a way more clear vision of how the code works than any book could have. But I'm still kind of nervous about this curveball everyone seems to get at the MN Journeymans Exam. Please if anyone has any tips, or suggestions on what else to study or what to expect that would be much appreciated.

Thanks Andy


Hey Andy,

Im taking it Wednesday for the second time. Yes it is really tough. Time was the biggest obstacle for me. I finished the test with close to 10 unanswered questions. Know the code really well, so you can get to the answers quick. A lot of the test is reading comprehension, which I think is unfair. If your poor in this subject, then its really tough.

I can tell you more after Wednesday.



Test was really tough, think I failed again. Basically know the code book really well. know transformer windings, and how to hook them up high vs low voltage (not covered in Holts material) and whether they are delta/wye, etc. Had a bunch of t250.66 type questions. Few questions on eli laws booklet.

For calculations had about 4-5 on motors, couple ohms law and a couple art 220 on dwellings. Box/raceway fill.

If your bad at reading comprehension, then your pretty much screwed. A lot of trickery.

Hope this helps. I know they have a few different versions of the test.


Thanks for your reply! Sorry about the test though. You'll get it. I really apprecitate your feedback on the test. It's nice to get an idea of what to study and make sure your up to par on some of what theyll be asking.
Well I will keep you up to date on how I do on the test. I should be taking it in a little over a month. Once again thanks and your help is appreciated more than you know. I received a packet describing the test from the state of MN and its basically a waste of paper. I learned more from you in just a few paragraphs. :) Thanks Andy


I'm fixing two take the test for the second time. And reading comprenhension
is the main key. I have been studing with mikes products, the journeyman package, and i learned quite abit. the problem i ran in to was that the test is not split up 1/3 theory, 1/3 calculations, 1/3 code. The exam was mainly code. I didn't have any problems with theory and calculations, it was mainly the code. On there exam some questions ask for 3 answers or 2 answers or 1.
Some questions you don't have any multiple choice and you have to give a specific answer.
You need to understand transformer windings.

There are 3 questions in the state law booklet.
1. how many hours of code update. 16. 4 state 12 nec
2. journeyman/apprentice ratio or non license, its the same. 1j/2a
and i'm not sure about the 3rd. but its in the state law booklet they give you.

For anybody fixing to take the exam be prepared becaused its not like working with mike holts format, although i learned alot of technical information from his courses.
good luck to all.:)
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